
by 13.7.05 0 comments
Got a nice answer over at the Italian Wikipedia IRC's channel about the word “Capisci”:

Wikimedia Italia
--- Topic for #it.wikipedia set by Frieda at Tue Jun 21 03:57:55 2005
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>hi everyone? can I ask a qustion about italia? >italian
>of course
>go on
>when they say in movies something like capicci or something like that, 
>meaning "ok" how do you speel that word?
>is it gapcci, capice, ..?
>it's "capisci?" = "do you understand?"
>or "capisco" = "I understand"
>the first is read ka-PEE-shee
>the second is read ka-PEES-ko
>yeah that's the one
>you're welcome


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